Contact Information
Robby & Donna Blankenship
Rt 71 Box 1485 | Alton, Mo. 65606
(417) 778-6224
We are Robby & Donna Blankenship of Double B Goat Farm.. Our 40 aces are nestle in the hills of Alton, Missouri in Oregon County.. Where our Adventure began : We started just like everyone else did with a few goat to eat brush back in 1993. We started out with wethers for a few years and thought we would get a couple of Doe’s with some baby’s and like most we didn’t have a clue what we were doing so we went to the sale barn and bought 5 Doe’s with baby’s by their side’s.
Well as we all know (now) sale barn was not a very good ideal because people take their (problems ) to the sale barn.. Well after the worming and hoof trims & with lots of TLC they wasn’t to bad of a goat so we sold the kids off of them and thought this time we would buy off of the farm and this was a much better Ideal and this is where we bought some Spanish cross Doe and went & bought us a 100% Boer Buck, Because we all know this is what make your herd..
As the years gone by we bought better & better stock off the farms and I fell in love with the Boer goat & Hubby loved the Angora goat.. So we split it down the middle and crossed them up and this is where we found a better meat goat between the cross, They sold better at the meat market. So now we are on the right track.
Then in April 2004 Robby Uncle gave him a Buck just a few hours old (doe died in labor) he was a cross buck with 1/2 Savanna 1/4 Boer 1/4 Angora. Blue (14 lbs) was a hug kid as he grew we knew we had something going with this cross. We used him as the Herd Sire on some of our Doe’s and he turned out to be our doe maker buck.. So we sold the Boer Buck to get better genetics & bought us a Registered Boer Buck from MAC Goats and used him on (Blue’s ) Daughters.. They were great for the meat market and we got top dollar for them..
Well this started people coming to us at the sales when we took the Buckling’s to market and asking if we had any of the doe’s for sale.” They were coming to us for Doe’s” WOW.. So I picked mine out and the other were sold to other farms.
So in late 2007 Hubby thought if they want doe’s from us them why don’t we got some Registered Savannas & sale them too.
I was not to king on the Ideal until we went to look at some and fell in LOVE with them. Then the bug bit me BIG TIME.. We started out small we got 4 doe’s which one was pregnant and later on had twins, Buck & Doe.. We sold them and bought a Registered Savanna Buck and have been going strong since. We love our Savanna Goats!! So in July 2011 we have added 8 more to our Herd of Registered Savanna’s 1 Buck & 7 Does that were all from the 4C bloodlines. Also in July 2011 we added 2 more doelings to our growing herd with.DLR bloodline
Now here we are in March of 2012 ( My Birthday Gift) and we have added 4 more Doeling to our Registered Herd that came from the 4c Bloodline too..
Aug 2012 we bought 2 new FullBlood Savanna Buck out from Oklahoma to better our Genetics..
Our Pedigree of Savanna’s include DLR Shombay, DLR Husani, JCS 49, W&W #N04, JSC # 13, JSC #24, DLR20, DSU Cilliers #15, DLR Bravehart, Just to name a few.. 4C, Keri Rose, JCS #22 Born in SA.. .. All of our Bloodlines go back to the ORIGINAL herd of Savanna’s that were bought through the Sale in Texas in the 1990’s.We are very proud to Owners these fine animals… HAPPY,HAPPY,HAPPY!!