Micro Chip Tip

I have been using the EZid microchips. They can be reached at ezidavid.com – the first microchips I used were the nine digit microchips. The new chips I ordered are a 15 digit chip that can indicate country and scrapie id. They have two types of portable readers/scanners, the mini reader (reads the 9 digit only, and the mini pro reader that reads both 9 & 15 digit microchips. The 15 digit is more expensive but I believe would be the best if the 15 digit microchip become the standard microchip. Prices for the microchips vary in price – so you might want to check out their web page. To find out the prices you will probably have to call or e-mail them.
One other thing I found out on the microchips is that the kids need to be at least a couple of months old to implant them in the tail. You may use the information I sent on the microcips.